Thursday, December 10, 2009

Best drama movies of 2005, 2006?

I have not been to the movie theater in close to three years. I think the last movie I saw was with Sandra Bullock, where she was an FBI agent working undercover at a beauty pageant. I can't even remember the name of it.

Anyway, I decided to get some DVDs, but I don't know where to begin. Searching on the Internet produces too many results, and web sites that only want to sell DVDs without giving any sypnoses.

I would like to get a short list of "must see" movies from 2005, 2006. I would prefer dramas that are not "chick flicks." I will generally watch anything starring Pacino, Nicholsen, DeNiro, Denzel, although I am not limited to those actors. Thanks.

Best drama movies of 2005, 2006?performing arts

40-year old virgin, half nelson, dreamgirls, inside man, united 93, Little Miss Sunshine, Capote, Crash, Good Night, and Good Luck, A History of Violence, King Kong

Best drama movies of 2005, 2006?binoculars opera theater

check out bestbuy
The Departed(2006)

The Departed
Training Day and The departed these two are the only ones i can get off the top of my head but they are damn good.
the movie was / is miss congeniality

also execelent drama from the same time period but a lot heavier is what dreams may come with Robin Williams
Deja Vu with Denzel Washington is a must see. Its more recent that 05/06 though. Its also kind of and action/drama, but its outstanding!
The Departed,Babel,Blood diamond,The last king of Scottland,Little Miss Sunshine

36 steps to making the best colleg paper eva!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

1. Sit in a straight, comfortable chair in a well-lighted place with plenty of freshly sharpened pencils.

2. Check your email.

3. Read over the assignment carefully, to make certain you understand it.

4. Walk down to the vending machines and buy some coffee to help you concentrate.

5. Check your email.

6. Stop off at another floor, on the way back and visit with your friend from class. If your friend hasn't started the paper yet either, you can both walk to McDonald's and buy a hamburger to help you concentrate. If your friend shows you her paper, typed, double-spaced and bound in one of those irritating see-thru plastic folders, drop her.

7. When you get back to your room, sit in a straight, comfortable chair in a clean, well-lighted place with plenty of freshly sharpened pencils.

8. Read over the assignment again to make absolutely certain you understand it.

9. Check your email.

10. You know, you haven't written to that kid you met at camp since fourth grade. You'd better write that letter now and get it out of the way so you can concentrate.

11. Look at your teeth in the bathroom mirror.

12. Listen to one side of your favorite tape and that's it, seriously, as soon as it's over you are going to start that paper.

13. Listen to the other side.

14. Check your email.

15. Rearrange all of your CDs into alphabetical order.

16. Phone your friend on the other floor and ask if she's started writing yet. Exchange derogatory remarks about your teacher, the course, the college, the world at large.

17. Sit in a straight, comfortable chair in a clean, well-lighted place with plenty of freshly sharpened pencils.

18. Read over the assignment again; roll the words across your tongue; savor their special flavor.

19. Check your email.

20. Check the newspaper listings to make sure you aren't missing something truly worthwhile on TV. NOTE: When you have a paper due in less than 12 hours, anything on TV from Masterpiece Theater to “Sgt. Preston of the Yukon” is truly worthwhile, with these exceptions:

a) Pro Bowlers Tour

b) any movie starring Don Ameche

21. Catch the last hour of “Soul Brother of Kung Fu” on Channel 26.

22. Phone your friend on the third floor to see if he was watching. Discuss the finer points of the plot.

23. Check your email.

24. Look at your tongue in the bathroom miror.

25. Look through your roommate's book of pictures from home. Ask whoeveryone is.

26. Sit down and do some serious thinking about your plans for the future.

27. Open your door and check to see if there are any mysterious, trenchcoated strangers lurking in the hall.

28. Check your email.

29. Sit in a straight, comfortable chair in a clean, well-lighted place with plenty of freshly sharpened pencils.

30. Read over the assignment one more time, just for heck of it.

31. Scoot your chair across the room to the window and watch the sunrise.

32. Lie face down on the floor and moan.

33. Check your email.

34. Leap up and write the paper.

35. Type the paper, and while you're at it, check your email.

36. Complain to everyone that you didn't get any sleep because you had to write that darn paper.

36 steps to making the best colleg paper eva!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...symphony

directions: apply to every assignment

36 steps to making the best colleg paper eva!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...performing arts center opera theater

Very good. Add this around step 10:

If you are writing the paper in your dorm room, fold and put away all your clothes.

If you are writing it in the library, browse the stacks and look for a good book for source material. Note that there is a copy of "Roadmaking Materials in Northern Borneo" down on level 5. Read at least one chapter in Roadmaking Materials.

Do you ever think about reincarnation?

.....Star Journeys: Morendo...Yet, Reincarnation

Know that we will meet, before I leave...

In the way of wolves...

Chilling voices through canyons'


Full moon silhouettes,

Frost-puffed, 'I am here.'

We will meet, before I leave...

In the way of eagles...

Winging tumbles through sky


Weaving cloud nests,

Mate-calling, 'I am here.'

Before I leave...

In the way of children...

Giggling echoes webbing


Swinging high...low,


Once more, 'I am here.'


Do you ever think about reincarnation?performing show

Wow! This is really nice. Is it new? And, it must be top-notch because you got a serious answer from Penfold. TD

Do you ever think about reincarnation?opera score opera theater

No i dont
I don't know if the term reincarnation is how I would describe it, but I know I have been here before, and I probably will be again.
Ohhhhh, to be born again

to be able to live again

But how, as an eagle,

as a smelly skunk,

maybe a fast running rabbit

but not fast enough to remain

free instead of another dinner, or

perhaps a hungry buzzard circling

the desert looking for prey

and the one the buzzard swoops

down upon may be someone you

know that's been reincarnated and

around and around you go.........
Hey I really like this
Yes because first time coincidences that happen for the first but you still feel you have been there before.
I kinda liked it but you have had way better poems !
how beautiful was this , words fail me once again thank you for sharing another beautiful poem what a nice way to srart my day :-0
A whirlwind of thoughts about reincarnation. Is sensational. I love it.
i dont believe in reincarnatin...and among your other poems this is quite lukewarm..sorry..i m honest
I fully believe in reincarnation.

This is a very lovely poem. The images are so beautiful and alive. I am there with the wolves, the eagles, the children......that means in turn, I feel, that I have connected to you.
In it's oldest understanding reincarnation refered to the idea that the soul moved from the deceased to the new born but remained the same person. This is believed to account for the extraordinary ages attributed to many biblical characters.
I am not sure what to think about reincarnation, when I am unsure of the soul's existence. I do know that I loved your poem, and that you may be right in that reincarnation is our greatest pathway to betterment.

Can someone tell me about Bring it on 4?

Ok, so I know it was already in theaters(Rite??)

is it out on dvd yet? how about in block busters rentals???

Onr of the girls on my cheerleading squad is in it, and i really wanna see (her and all of her all- star squad is in it!!! =)


Can someone tell me about Bring it on 4?comedy show

It never went to theaters-it was a straight to dvd movie. You can find it anywhere that rents movie. Its pretty cute-I hope you see your friend.

Is this a good idea for a movie? it sounds like all the other blockbusters out?

coach carter was an ordinary man with an extraordinary problem. after stealing his girlfriends car and leading police on a high speed chase he's sentenced to coach a

youth orphan football team with cancer from 2 years in the future who are blind. keanue reeves stars in this years most moving about orphan football kids with cancer who are from 2 years in the future.


don't be surprised if this comes to a theater near you in the near future!!!!!

Is this a good idea for a movie? it sounds like all the other blockbusters out?events

It is similar to Adam Sandler's football movie (although he was not a coach but only a star player), got prisoned then was hired to train and coach football players in prison.

I think that the one with the orphan thing makes that movie more moving and dramatic though.

Is this a good idea for a movie? it sounds like all the other blockbusters out?home theatre opera theater

Lmao. That's great.
I bet it will be the greatest hit ever and u used a lot of fantasy to come up with something like this
lmao good one,, i hate the friday night lights the series crap,, and the gridiron is too close to the horrible remake longest yard...hollywood needs to get new writers and stop being so closed to new material,,

What is the best monologue ever?

Film, Theater, Books, or Epic Poems.

Please paste the monologue in your post.

One of my faves, from Fight Club:

"I see in fight club the strongest and smartest men who have ever lived -- an entire generation pumping gas and waiting tables; or they're slaves with white collars. Advertisements have them chasing cars and clothes, working jobs they hate so they can buy **** they don't need. We are the middle children of history, with no purpose or place. We have no great war, or great depression. The great war is a spiritual war. The great depression is our lives. We were raised by television to believe that we'd be millionaires and movie gods and rock stars -- but we won't. And we're learning that fact. And we're very, very pissed-off." - Tyler Durden

What is the best monologue ever?say yes

Bill Murray in Stripes

What the hell's the matter with you?


We're all very different people.

We're not Watusi.

We're not Spartans.

We're Americans.

With a capital A, huh?

You know what that means?

Do you? That means that our forefathers...were kicked out of every

decent country in the world.

We are the wretched refuse.

We're the underdog.

We're mutts.

- Here's proof. His nose is cold.

But there's no animal

that's more faithful...that's more loyal, more loveable than the mutt.

Who saw Old Yeller?

Who cried when Old Yeller got shot at the end?

Nobody cried when Old Yeller got shot?

I cried my eyes out.

So we're all dogfaces.

We're all very, very different.

But there is one thing that we all have in common.

We were all stupid enough to enlist in the Army.

We're mutants.

There's something wrong with us, something very, very wrong with us.

Something seriously wrong with us.

We're soldiers, but we're American soldiers.

We've been kicking *** for 200 years!

We're 10 and 1!

Now we don't have to worry...

...about whether or not

we've practiced.

We don't have to worry...about whether Captain Stillman wants to have us hung.

All we have to to be the great American fighting soldier...that is inside each one of us.

Now, do what I do...

...and say what I say...

...and make me proud.

- Fall in!

What is the best monologue ever?palace theatre opera theater

What's the matter little boy? You can't create on your own? You need to use somebody else's material?
The ones that you write.
The one you sent me in an email....
Crash Davis in Bull Durham:

Well, I believe in the soul, the cock, the pussy, the small of a woman's back, the hanging curve ball, high fiber, good scotch, that the novels of Susan Sontag are self-indulgent, overrated crap. I believe Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. I believe there ought to be a constitutional amendment outlawing Astroturf and the designated hitter. I believe in the sweet spot, soft-core pornography, opening your presents Christmas morning rather than Christmas Eve and I believe in long, slow, deep, soft, wet kisses that last three days. Goodnight.

Did anyone actually see "The Hunting Party"?

It opened Sept. 14, and still is only showing in one Texas theater. says it has grossed 0.8 million and is scheduled to hit dvd on Feb of 2008. With stars like Richard Gere and Terrence Howard, does anyone know why it's only in limited release?

If you have seen it, did you enjoy it? What are your thoughts?

Did anyone actually see "The Hunting Party"?getting late

I haven't seen it but I've read some bad reviews on it. That's probably why it didn't open up nation wide.

Did anyone actually see "The Hunting Party"?regal theater opera theater

I don't even remeber hearing of it.

Ok here is my plan.. what do you think?

I want to move to Hollywood and be a big movie star and make lots and lots of money... but my dad says the closest i will ever get to show biz is selling pop corn an raisonettes behind the counter at one of them fancy dancy multiplex theaters.. Do you think the deflated my ego a few notches, or what?

Ok here is my plan.. what do you think?ballet

Porn star perhaps.....

Ok here is my plan.. what do you think?globe theater opera theater

that was mean of ur dad. keep trying hun ull makeit
I think no matter what you pursue, hopefully your dream, you have a very long journey ahead of you... good luck!

As a first step.. I would find out what some of your favorite actors and actresses did to get to where they are now. Perhaps some went to college and took classes in theatre... do some research and find out what you need to do to head in the right direction towards your goal... your Dream.
I'm sick and tired of all this negative racist talk about Raisonettes. You start out life hoping your going to be an expensive fine wine and then you end up getting your life blood sucked out of you and living next to the jujubees......Raisonettes are people to.
he right too many people try become a big movie star

and end up in hollywood on the streets!

its not as glamois as it looks either -you work at

least 10 to 15 day and thats not if you have to get

into costume or makeup
I'm not sure if your Dad deflated your ego but, you should see the red flag that he's waving. There is more than one reason he would wave one. The distance, finances, living options, and most of all , the worrying. And he WILL worry.
I know this kid from my school who went to Hollywood and slept on the streets until he could get a job, now he was in the movie Yours Mine and Ours, his name was Sean Faris I believe. So, it comes down to it doesnt matter who doesnt believe in you, it matters if you believe in yourself. I you belive you can do it, you will, but you have to be strong, smart, and sacrifice a lot. Now personally, i suggest you at least have a back up plan, but thats just me. Plus, the most succesful people on earth are also the biggest risk takers, however this does not always make you successful. Good luck. Take some time out for yourself and take a breather, i suggest meditating, clear your head of all the negative comments and all the bad feelings and doubts you have, focus on the good ones and envision yourself successful. By doing this you will get good thoughts, motivational thoughts etched into your subconcious, which will help you take failure better and move on faster, you will fail alot before making it in this industry!
He's just trying to make you realize the real world and maybe he might be saying to have something to fall back on in case your rise to fame doesn't come too soon.

Get involved with the right people and perservere, bust your butt for years until you find your break. Don't forget that there are others things out there for you too that you might find on your journey.

Anyway, don't believe what everyone says and don't let anyone say you can't do something. Prove them wrong. Remember that what he said to you is the least of what you may hear from agents and other critics. They will not care. Your father does care, it just doesn't look like it to you. So, what I'm saying is, treat this as a stepping stone on your way to find what you believe that you can accomplish.

Hey, I live in the same city that Sean Faris used to go to high school. LOL small world.
I am all about chasing your dreams but you have to be realistic. Have a back-up plan because most people that chase the dream of making it big end up waiting tables. It breaks my heart every time I see a balding waiter in Hollywood.
Sounds more like a dream than a plan. Maybe your dad was saying that to energize you into making an actual plan and getting started on it. He sounds a little mean to me.

As the saying goes: "Plan your work, then work your plan." If that is what you want to do, then get a move on. Good luck to you!
Hum. Looks to me you will fit in nicely here At LA Travel. This is the best laugh I have had for awhile.
If ur are over 18, try Central Casting in Burbank, if u do live near encino, its not a far drive, Central does Background Actors, I have been in 2 movies, 1 TV show, 2 Commercials,Long days but u get fed.
If you want to be an actor then be an actor. If you want money then frankly I don't think you have what it takes. The people actors who become rich are passionate about their work and have taken years of classes in order to improve. If it is what you truly want to do, and not for the money, then go to an acting school and start out in stage plays. This will lead to more roles in plays and eventually you will land a spot in a movie.
I'm afraid your dad was right...... good luck with those pop corns!
he's right for the most part. you need to take a logical approach to the movie business. What if you fail? What if you don't get your break? You need something to fall back on, something to make a living with. I'm going to be an accountant. After i get my degree and save up some money working, i can try out for whatever i want. all doors are open to me, and if i fall, i have a nice degree to cushion the landing. You need to play it smart, don't do the whole, "i'll go wherever the wind takes me". Lifes too short to make it harder for yourself.
do you know alot of people did this ad made it you never know i would try and get your dream started wait tables get a job close to the places you need to be hey you maybe surprized and be found tyr it go take care and good luck
I think that could deflate your ego if you let it. I think it's kind of messed up for your dad not to support you. If you think that this is what you want to do, don't let anyone stand in your way and even if you fail at least you won't have a what if the rest of your life!
West of Encino

Yes, West of Encino, of course, your ego has been deflated, but don't just blow off what your dad says.

Do give it some thought! Spend some time thinking it over. I know right now you will have more time than money, so write down some of the pros and cons of your plans.

Let me tell you there will be lots and lots of hard work over there in Hollywood before you will make lots and lots of money.

You may be lucky enough to land that job selling pop corn and raisinettes while you are working toward stardom.

Now if you have the determination and it is in your blood to become a big star, don't let anyone try to stop you.

But if you do try and don't succeed, that is an accomplishment in itself. An experience in life that most of us will never have.

Good luck to you!

KAMAL KARNA ROY, U S BORN IN GUAM (u s territory .no much oriental indian blood; do u know? if no it

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How does Obama intend on uniting Americans when he keeps insulting them?

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By united America against him.

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Most Americans are uniting against him.

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Quiet the tangent huh homie?

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DiscussEnter Your CommentSubmit Member Comments Posted By: CANDIDATE_REPUBLICAN (April 15, 2008 at 12:13 )

4.15. 2008 new york

the reverend hon'ble ms Gargi R Lahiri R N Tagore rd, Krishna Nagar, nadia, West Bengal, India: 107A Scribner Avenue, staten island new york 10301, usa. Deputy chief campaign in USA and International: The rev dr kamal karna roy as the candidate of U S President and demanding to be lawful nominee of GOP at the next GOP nominating convention against john McCain U S Senator, an allegedly orrupt leader who was allegedly involved in Paxson_ 40 some yrs old female Beauty as lobbyist for sale of passion for gain for business of paxson_ paxson business in interst pedalling crime against usa for pursu9t of sex pleasure of female companionships on repeated occasioons with free use of luxury aircraft and writing atleast 2 sweetheart custom made letter to u s communication dept , which we the people in U S Aconsider u sa is on sale in USAfor steering priate business.Now the problem is to find out if mcCain deserves to go to the White House to be Leader of UISA to enhance influence pedalling business or we the people show mcCain a short visit to jail house for a crime puruant to u S federal laws. we the people are in deep and complecated puzzle to solve: the F B I needs to help we the people to resolve the issue quickly. the rev dr kamal roy filed petition in the u s district courts to court an enquiry by appointment of a special Prosecutor to be appointed by U S Attorney General to find the truthj of corruption at highest level of govt in usa and mcCain as sitting U S Senator of GOP is surely highj enough govt official to be investigted by Special presecutor under laws.

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Comments: Enter Your Comment

Posted By: CANDIDATE_REPUBLICAN @ 04/14/2008 6:34:21 PM

Comment: the reverend mother mrs tapasi b chakravorty democratic reormsa agent for candidate dr roy as opinion expressed by him recently:

Ron Paul

Mitt Romney

Tom Tancredo

Fred Thompson

Joe Biden

Hillary Clinton

Chris Dodd

John Edwards

Mike Gravel

Dennis Kucinich

Posted By: CANDIDATE_REPUBLICAN @ 04/14/2008 11:38:50 AM


Posted By: CANDIDATE_REPUBLICAN @ 04/13/2008 7:31:47 PM

Comment: the cleanest contender of republican politicking against john mcCain another dop candidate who who accused of influence pedalling with sex related sweet_heart companionship of a middle aged beaty ( women are presumed to be always a beauty in a male dominated society since early civilization with anlican civilization or with hindu eras of lord krishna, a lover_boy in role ofa god or lord Brahma who used sex for pleasure in every vibrant moment of his un_dying body for ever and ever and possibly the god_emblem of hunduism inflicted john mcCain type symbol of pursuit of pleasure with male_female companionship in democratic conditions at coutries beyond borders. But mccain has not authorise by laws of we the people of usa pursuant u s consttuttion to extra use of female beauty as of choice of mccainian leadership and for mccain_paxson busijess_ female 40=, now 47= female beauty triangle , mccain deserved scrutiny by law enforcemet officil and f bi to determine if he could be indicted in court of laws for violations with crossing intterstate boders for pleasure of sexual pursuit for interest pdalling with issuance of atleast 2 sweet_heart letter to federara communication dept to wronglt exepeditegovt action before scrutiny. FB I must eaxamine complaint of grievance forwarded to for lawful inquest of mccain scandal with sex as mccain may be a human_god of some power but he is no, even a small god of any faith in the globe as such he is subject to criminal prosecution . when a gary hart se affair could result his exit from power, and elliot spitzer sex did exit his eclipse from power of new york governorship, only play_boy, part_timerbut moderatly good william jefferson clinton was as immune as a hindu or other dominion GOD to clebrate sexual pursuit in office of president along with historical evidence of genefer flower roman/sexbut you have to have a clintonian woman t o fill in conjugal partnership in life. the matter of comment on democratic corruption in power politics are of the rev dr kamal karna roy . a candidate of u s president , and the opinion repackaged by assistant campaign official with his consent. dr roy emphasized that in national interest for stability the democratic process may not be ideal in every situation, and presidents pervez mussaref presidency at the current tenure may not have to be short circuited by the current elected leader of democracy in power to derail important tenure of rocky freedom in democratic nation with intent of compromise with president musareff anf current democracy army in pakistan political system. pakistan should allow an optimally acceptable situation ti exit musarref , as this may allow new coalition in ruling parties to control national situation which , we the people at large beyond border of pakistan may consider to be wise condsidering

Posted By: CANDIDATE_REPUBLICAN @ 04/01/2008 10:06:39 AM

KAMAL KARNA ROY, U S BORN IN GUAM (u s territory .no much oriental indian blood; do u know? if no it is okay.sheet music

Thank you. Have a great day.

The answer is no or maybe or yes.

I need clues for a scavenger hunt. Help?

I am trying to make a scavenger hunt for my boyfriend for our anniversary/just because. I am going to place the clues like places we've been or things we've done.

- the first place is the gym door at my school.

- the soccer field at my school on a ball

- his road where we took our first walk. in a prickly bush.

- in an easter egg hidden in his yard.

- in a balloon because we got together on his birthday

- ummm the movie theater

- a tampon box for putting up with my moodiness =] hha lmao

- the grocery store for when we first cooked together

- %26amp;%26amp; some more in there but its going to end with a pinic at this place called clinton park where i wanna watch the sunset and look at the stars cuz we always do that %26amp;%26amp; i got a telescope...

so what i need is some ryhming clues or something.

if anyone has ne ideas let me know =]

Orlando Bloom movie?

I went to IMDB a while ago and saw that Orlando Bloom was going to star in a movie. Now, it's not there! I remember the movie had to do with a woman who got raped by her cousin or something and ran away. Later, a thief (Bloom), meets her and sweeps her away. Anyway, what was the name of that movie? It hasn't been made in theaters yet. Probably not going to for a while. It was one of those "old times" movies.

Orlando Bloom movie?plays

this movie comes out in 2007, it is called love and other disasters

Orlando Bloom movie?opera ticket opera theater

I believe the movie you're asking about is called "Haven"

it was released about 3-4 weeks ago on DVD (in the US). I have seen the trailer for it and it takes place on some tropical island but I think the story was similiar to your description.
I think the reason it got taken of the Internet Movie Database is that they decided not to film the movie after all because of interests and things like that among maybe some other things.

Book paints escape-artist Houdini as spy?

NEW YORK - Eighty years after his death, the name Harry Houdini remains synonymous with escape under the most dire circumstances. But Houdini, the immigrants' son whose death-defying career made him one of the world's biggest stars, was more than a mere entertainer.

A new biography of the legendary performer suggests that Houdini worked as a spy for Scotland Yard, monitored Russian anarchists and chased counterfeiters for the U.S. Secret Service 鈥?all before he was possibly murdered.

"The Secret Life of Houdini: The Making of America's First Superhero" will be released on Halloween 鈥?the anniversary of Houdini's untimely death at age 52. Chasing new information on the elusive superstar eventually led authors William Kalush and Larry Sloman to create a database of more than 700,000 pages.

"There's no way in the world we could have done this book without it," said Sloman of the huge electronic index. "It would have taken 30 years 鈥?maybe."

The biography lays out a scenario where Houdini, using his career as cover, managed to travel the United States and the world while collecting information for law enforcement. The authors made the link after reviewing a journal belonging to William Melville, a British spy master who mentioned Houdini several times.

Melville, while at Scotland Yard in the early 20th century, helped launch Houdini's European career by allowing the performer to demonstrate his escape skills. Houdini, at a demonstration arranged by Melville, slipped free from a pair of Scotland Yard handcuffs as an audition for a London theater owner.

The book suggests that Melville's compliance was part of a quid pro quo in which Houdini worked as a spy. A similar situation occurred in Chicago, where Houdini's career took off after a publicity stunt aided by a local police lieutenant, the book said.

"Finding the Melville diary 鈥?we knew there was a connection, we knew there was something there," said Kalush. "But finding that diary solidified a lot of other things."

No less a Houdini enthusiast than Teller 鈥?the mute half of Penn and Teller, and one of the legendary performer's spiritual descendants 鈥?felt the link between the escape artist and the authorities was no leap.

"Law enforcement is about bureaucracy and cronyism," Teller said. "So they're going to let some entertainer walk in and escape from their jail cells? That suggests to me that (the authors) are on the right track."

Houdini was a relentless self-promoter in the style of P.T. Barnum, although he didn't play his audience for suckers. The biography recounts one 1902 escape, in Blackburn, England, where Houdini refused to surrender despite the use of plugged locks that made his freedom almost impossible.

After two hours, Houdini escaped to a standing ovation. The next day his arms were "hideously blue and swollen, with large chunks of flesh torn out," the book recounts. Because of the way the chains and rigged locks were fastened, Houdini "had no choice but to tear out the chunks of his flesh to get free."

That's entertainment.

Houdini's renown was such that he was known around the world by a single name long before Sting or Madonna.

"We know Houdini was a hero," said Sloman. "He could get out of anything 鈥?which was a myth, of course."

Kalush said the myth eventually overshadowed the man. "It's part of us: He's a human, I'm a human, he can beat anything, so maybe I can beat some things," Kalush said.

The biography's other hook is the suggestion that Houdini's relentless debunking of the Spiritualist movement, whose proponents included "Sherlock Holmes" author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, led to his death. The group believed they could contact the dead; Houdini believed they were frauds.

Houdini, at the turn of the century, joined his wife Bess 鈥?"The Celebrated Clairvoyant" 鈥?in presenting a trumped-up act in which he worked as the barker and she as the medium. But Houdini eventually crossed over to the other side, exposing phony mediums much as he'd once exposed copycat escape artists.

"I like the way that Houdini comes off as a real tough guy, which is no doubt true," said Teller. "He's not afraid to show up at somebody else's performance and scream, `This is my act you're doing. Why don't you try this trick?'

"That's a rough and tumble thing you'll never see a modern magician do."

The authors recount a pair of October 1926 incidents in which Houdini was viciously punched in the stomach, once by a college student in his dressing room and later by a stranger in a hotel lobby.

Houdini 鈥?the book suggests the Spiritualists may have arranged the attacks 鈥?died days later in Room 401 at Grace Hospital in Detroit. His aura of invincibility seemed over. But as the authors discovered, it still lives on today.

"He's compelling because of that myth, that he could not be restrained by anything," said Sloman. "The more successful he was, the more he became a symbol of the lone man resisting authority."

Book paints escape-artist Houdini as spy?ms stress

yup...i read the article already as well.

Book paints escape-artist Houdini as spy?home theater system opera theater

I grow tired of people connecting the dots to come up with wild nonsense about dead celebs.

Houdini's life is interesting enough without the extra blandishments.

Strictly commercial.
If he helped Scotland Yard battle the Soviets, then good for him.
Anyhting is possible I guess.

Trying to figure out the name of an old movie.?

When I was about 9 or 10 I saw this move in the theater with my parents. If my memory serves me correctly that means that it came out around 83 or 84. From what I remember it starred Richard Gere and was somewhat about a younger guy (maybe in his 20's) who somehow gets involved in some cult. At the time I remember thinking that the people in the cult reminded me of the people you used to see at airports selling flowers, shaved heads and had tambourines and such.

The only scene that I really remember vividly is that he eventually leaves the cult and goes to get a hamburger to eat (since the cult didn't eat meat) and ends up throwing up because I guess his body was not used to it after sometime.

I could have sworn that the title had the word "Heaven" in it, but while going through Gere's movie list the only movie with the word "Heaven" in the title has nothing to do with what I've described.

Possibly it wasn't Gere, if you have any idea of this movie please help!

Trying to figure out the name of an old movie.?binoculars

I believe you are referring to "Ticket to Heaven" (1981). One of the ways they "deprogram" new members was by low-protein diets, which mean't no hamburger.

Trying to figure out the name of an old movie.?violin opera theater

Try looking it up on the Internet Movie Database--you can search by actor, title, etc.
Ticket to Heaven (1981)

After his girlfriend of many years leaves him, David participates at a summer camp in the country. He doesn't realize that it's a training camp for a fanatic religious sect. He can't resist the pressure of permanent group sessions, denial of sleep and food for long and becomes a willing slave of the organization. Their "father's" motto is: "Stay up, earn money, destroy the Satan!" - Satan, that's everyone who's against the sect. Members are shown how to kill themselves in case their parent kidnap them. When David's old friend Larry finds him in the camp, he can't believe how much he's changed. He works out a plan to free him and give him back his brain.

If that isn't right, check through the list from the link below. I went through most of them, but couldn't find much else that looked like it would fit.
your rude

Days of Heaven (1978) .... he played Bill.

The Passenger (1975)... Jack Nicholson as David Locke


If you can remember some key words about the movie, put them in this website and it will search movie synopysis

Plan 9 From Outer Space.

Which is your favorite true-to-life movie?

Name your favorite true-to-life movie,be it television,VHS,DVD or theater release and explain why you like it the best.My favorite is"The Ghost and the Darkness"(1996)starring Val Kilmer and Micheal Douglas.I love this movie because it tells a chilling real story about 2 lions that terrorized and killed throngs of bridge builders in Africa 1898.Val Kilmer portrays Colonial John H. Patterson; the engineer in charge who must oversee the bridge's completion while simultaneously hunting down these 2 murderous lions.He gets aid in his pursuit from Micheal Douglas in a rousing and memorable performance as Charles Remington"The great white hunter"of his day.The script,directing,acting,editing,score,se... location as well as supporting cast;made this movie a profoundly entertaining classic of masterpiece film-making!Although the events of this movie were a calamity that did occur,the film was created so artfully and vividly---capturing the feeling with the superb Direction by Stephen Hopkins.

Which is your favorite true-to-life movie?performing arts center

silkwood with meryl streep as a neuclear power station worker who discovered that her bosses were cutting corners on safety in the power station where she worked i can't remember most of the details of the plot line or the story but

i saw this movie when i was 10 and it just stuck in my mind

to be honest i'm not even sure if it was a real life story but it just really stuck in my memory for some reason and it wasn't even a guy movie( does that make me gay)

Which is your favorite true-to-life movie?sunshine opera theaterroots Report It

Walk The Line - J. Phoenix/R. Witherspoon. I thought the both of them did a EXCELLENT job playing Johnny Cash and June Carter. Please they did all the vocals, even for the soundtrack. Great Movie.
just to name a few........

Hotel Rwanda

Black Hawk Down

Band Of Brothers

Schindler's List

October Sky
rent hoosiers or rudy based upon real life events w/o murders, death , etc.
"Forrest Gump"

Actor Tom Hanks is more than excellent and the store will touch ur heart surely
homerun (singapore film)
In no particular order:

The Right Stuff

Band of Brothers

Tora! Tora! Tora!


The Longest Day



Schindler's List


A Man For All Seasons

Quiz Show

All the President's Men

Raging Bull

Cinderella Man


My Left Foot
that sounds like a good film, i'll look out for that. i like Brian's song, so sad i cried so much and teaches u alot and makes u think, i loved it.
The pursuit of happYness (starring Will Smith)

Make you feel that that God rewards your sacrifices and that even at the darkest and lowest times of your life, you can still shine if you really work on it.
Hotel Rwanda.

The Time of the Butterflies.

The Joy Luck Club.
The Pianist.
I really liked "The Aviator." Howard Hughes led a very curious life due to his OCD. The movie really made me feel for Hughes and wonder what else he could have done had his mind allowed him to do so.
I allso highly reccomend October Sky. It's the true story of a boy in a coal-mining town. He's the son of a manager in the mine, and all the boys in the town are "doomed" to be miners because they don't have enough money to go to college and better themselves. But this boy sees Sputnick crossing the sky and dreams of something bigger than his town and a slow death from coal dust.

It's a super inspirational film. Awesome.

Others based on true stories that I reccomend

THe Crucible (excellent acting and a fascinating/chilling story.)

Hidden in Silence (gives the appearance of low-budget, but the true story of a teenager who singlehandedly saved 13 Jews during the Halocaust is worth watching, even if some aspects could have been done more 'professionally")

Apollo 13 (That was a great one)

Stand and Deliver (Awesome inspiratonal true story).

The Scarlet and the Black

Why do we have "celebrities"?

Do you ever really stop and think about how much time society wastes on lifting up and making rich people who "pretend" for a living? Or just because somebody can sing, or play a kids game/sport professionally, or stand in front of thousands of worshippers every Sunday? I just don't get it. Why do we make them rich? Why are they elevated to the godly status? They are just PEOPLE...imperfect boneheads who screw up and do the same things WE do. The difference is they do their job in front of a camera and we allow them to get paid more than most of us will see in a lifetime. For example, Tom Cruise getting $20 million for ONE movie? I can't even think about it without getting nauseated. He's a scrawny, short high school DROP OUT and every time he makes a movie millions pour into the theater making him filthy rich for a few months of work. I could list tons of people like that. Sports pinnacles of morality they are...NOT! Yet we fill the stadiums. WHY???????

Why do we have "celebrities"?opera score

I Agree with you!!! I think much of the attention has been created by the celebrity from the beginning. Even Princess Dianna told the Media where she would be..They WANT the attention, but when they run into troubles with their parties they want people to still love them and accept them....As far as Tom Cruise I think the man is disgusting, as well as his wife...And SPORTS. Ughs I cannot stand sports...I think it's sad when families run to a stadium and waste good money to watch a man chase a ball, it's actually sickening. There has got to be a Better and Wiser Hobbie......

Why do we have "celebrities"?musicals opera theater

There is something called "law of supply and demand." Simply put, some people manage to produce something that the public wants, that nobody else is offering. Tom Cruise offers entertaining movies, or at least movies a significant sector of the public is willing to pay to see. For whatever reason, the public finds his product far better than the competitors, and he is rewarded accordingly. There are other situations like that.

Also, the general public is curious about certain people, and some in society have manage to exploit this curiosity. That is a complicated subject, but I am sure I do not have to explain. You have seen it yourself.

I understand you see this issue as a defect of the humanity. That may be true, but it is irrelevant. It is said that the humanity is not perfect, but it is perfectible. Every day, there is improvement, even if the direction is not obvious to you. Maybe one day, the humanity will reach a point where fame is caused by other factor than those at present.
They add excitement into our dull meaningless lives.
Our lives are boring. We get to watch these celebrities have money we could only dream of, get away with things that we never would, and do a lot of things we never will. We are living vicariously through their lives.
do you often feel like a salmon swimming upstream too? too.

What Ewan Mcgregor movie is this?

I am looking for a movie that came out within the past 1 - 2? years starring Ewan McGregor. It has something to do with him seeing ghosts (one is his father) but all I ever saw was the previews and didn't get to see it at the theater. I really want to watch it, does anyone know what it's called? The people at the video store couldn't help me, I ended up renting "Nightwatch", it was okay, but not what I was looking for.

What Ewan Mcgregor movie is this?greek theater


What Ewan Mcgregor movie is this?performing arts show opera theater


For more info
Try looking on You can search by actor, in this case, McGregor, and page through all the films he's been in. It might be a little tedious, but you'd probably find it there.
I think you are talking about Stay, but none of the "ghosts" are related in any way to HIM.. Great movie though..

Here's the trailer.. see if it seems familiar..
maybe big fish?? im not sure
Oh man that was a awesome movie its called STAY!!! check it out its worth buying on Blue ray Ryan Gosling is in it and it has some of the best cinematography ever!
It's a 2005 movie called "Stay".
Stay was great
maybe you're thinking of "Big Fish".
Big Fish?? maybe

Old Disney 3-D movie.?

Years ago, Disney World used to show a 3D movie from Kodak which starred a bunch of kids in a flower patch or something. I also remember a witch in a crystal ball that shot lightning out of her hands. Oh, and before people could enter the theater to watch the movie, they would wait in a standing room where a slide show was presented with the song 'True Colors' playing in the background. Does anyone remember the name of this movie short? Thanks much.

Old Disney 3-D movie.?home theatre

The movie you are thinking of is called Magic Journeys.

Here's a Wikipedia link you can check out for yourself:

Hope this answers your question.

Old Disney 3-D movie.?ballet theater opera theater

teen witch
Teen Witch?

What to do when it's over....but you NEVER expected it to be over?

last nite my bff confessed that he's interested in sum1 else...this is after months of going to the movie theater, holding hands, planning our first kiss (which never ended up happening), HIM sending a txt that says "luv ya", him txting repeatedly (in a few week time span) that he misses me/miss me too/misses me more (it depended on if i txted it first or if he said it first), going for a walk on the break wall and sitting next to each other looking up at the stars %26amp; almost falling asleep next to each other. %26amp; 2 days ago, he sent a txt thanking me for the presents i got him "there amazing, just like you" BUT THEN, HE TELLS SOMEONE ELSE KEEPS POPPING UP IN HIS MIND!? we've been bff since 9th grade. and since tenth grade we've admitted that we had feelings for each other, but we never ended up dating, even w/all the time we spent 2gether.%26amp; the part that KILLS, is the fact that i've been so boy crazy, but he's made me want to change, %26amp; i've been tempted, i've been true, %26amp; i feel betrayed.

What to do when it's over....but you NEVER expected it to be over?palace theatre

well why dont you look at it more positivly. you guys never told each other that you were gonna be with each other. honestly, i think that you should just accept it, i know its gonna be hard but if you get upset about it your gonna lose a really great person for a friend, just be there for him like a friend should be and show him that your gonna be alright no matter what. in the end, friendship is what really matters :)

good luck!

What to do when it's over....but you NEVER expected it to be over?concert tickets opera theater

Welcome to the world of heart breaks. Not to worry your little heart for you sound quite young and you will soon get over him. I am no where near your age bracket, yet I had my heart broken too when I was your age.

Present date I sense my partner of 7 years now is playing his cat and mouse game again. I say again for we have this on/off relationship going on. Believe me it is all I handle this. Christmas is around the corner and there is no GOD or EVIL be a male or FEMALE that is going to alter my Beautiful Christmas and Spirit!!
Just let him go. He must be a liar. No use beating yourself atleast you kept yourself safe so in future never trust a man until he is sure about you. Cheers

Are there bigger TV and movie auditions in NYC?

im 14 and living around baltimore. i know here there are many great theater productions and students films. but i really want to get into the bigger stuff like tv. yes, i know no one can land a huge starring role with the snap of their fingers, but isn't it true that NYC has the best training and auditions so that i can work up to that? if this is true, im thinking the summer i turn 16 ill drive up to NYC and stay there the summer to get acting work. do you think i should? or is there a way to get bigger roles staying at home? I can't exactly afford an agent.


btw, im not one of those fame-crazed kids. id really just like to experience acting on a bigger scale. honestly, if the fame was taken away, id still do, cause i act purely out of passion!

Are there bigger TV and movie auditions in NYC?regal theater

Well, you have to start smaller before you get bigger... Sorry, hon, that's the real world.

Another question about the Lion King....?

Have you seen the Lion King at the Lyceum theater in London?

If so do you know if they use any monologues throughout the play?

Monologue = when all characters are frozzon on the stage and one actor moves and starts speaking to the audience.

If you could give me the scene and what happens in the scene to lead up to the monologue it would be very helpful... i will give each sensible answer 10 stars each

Another question about the Lion King....?globe theater

yes, when simba becomes an adult lion the stage goes black except for him.

Another question about the Lion King....?oper opera theater

Here is the lion king script and stage directions. The monologues are mainly written as songs for example from Scar's point of view when he is trying to plot to kll simba's father and simba himself


I seriously need help!!!!!!?

I absolutely love to act. It's my dream career, and though I know I'll never land a starring role in a move, I still love to do it. I told my dad this, and he's prejudice about it all. He says that actors grow up always acting all the time, always divorcing, and always miserable. HE says i'll end up like that too. I told him I'd be careful if he would just let me try but he says he doesn't trust me-not surprising. my parents don't trust me at all. They don't trust me at school, that's why I'm homeschooled. They don't trust what I say, that's why my parents asked me millions of times if I was the one who took the spare key, leading to our getting locked out of the house. They have no confidence in whatever I do. I need some way to show them that I can do it, and maybe he'll let me do a play at the community theater. but, how? what do I do??

I seriously need help!!!!!!?state theatre

First and foremost, you need to sit down with your father and TALK- without whining or tantrums. SHOW him that you are mature enough for his trust. Call a local community theater and find out what they do, when, and how you can get involved and share it with your parents, ask them to get involved too. Share your dream with your parents in a way that draws them in- not pushes them away. If nothing else works, you'll be grown in a few years, and can do "As you like it" ;)

I seriously need help!!!!!!?theater opera theater

Well if you are serious about wanting to do this then do it. Stand your ground. If your parents refuse to let you participate in any acting, then when you are 18 MOVE OUT and do whwat you want. The thing that you and your parents need to remember is that this is Your life.
even if you like acting, and it's your passion. It's still important to get an education. There's many stars that still went to college. Natalie Portman is one that comes to mind. You sound pretty young, so other than talking to him, there's probably not much you can do. Once you turn 18, you can make your own decisions.
Try to tell them about your future goals to go to college,etc. Explain to them that it is something creative that you would love to do as a get involved in the town theatre or small local theatre groups. Maybe if you approach it that way they will be willing to let you try it. Ask them to just give you a chance to try it and if it doesn't work out you'll drop it. I think you deserve a chance to use your creative side. Not all actors end up messed up and I don't see any harm or risk in allowing you to give local theatre a try. I hope you get it worked out with them. Remember they are just trying to protect you, not hold you back. I think the problem is that they don't trust the world... not you. It's a scary world these days and I'm sure they want the best for you. Good luck.
Hello Cocoa:

I was the black sheep of my family also, which it seems that's where you are. There is hope!!! you will have to get your parents trust, that's going to be a little hard. first thing you will have to start doing more than you have being doing put in extra time and do different things, such as helping around the house doing extra things that they would not expect you to do, cook them a nice meal, help your mother, to keep the place in order help her with the meals, do your home work without them have to tell you everything to do. try that and good luck. be good to your self and your family. show them you love them.
Sometimes parents just kind of suck. Homeschooling because they don't trust you at school? WTF? Is that for real? I don't think you'll ever be able to get through to your parents, and I'm really sorry for that. I know you have to deal with their rules right now, so just try to hang in there until you can move out on your own. It won't be too much longer, and once you're an adult, you can move out and they won't be able to stop you from pursuing an acting career or even just getting involved with community theater. I mean, you can always try to point out the integrity and stability of some long-time actors like Susan Sarandon or... Well, don't use Drew Barrymore. But I don't think it'll work.
Acting as a way of life is not easy to get, to become an actress is very difficult and hard, almost impossible, but you can act in the community theater and have acting as a hobby, but please look for a real career, your father goes to far thinking in diverse and all that surrounds acting life, first thing is getting there
well, what have you done for your parents not to trust you? Or are they the type that doesnt trust people at all....

Well i dont think theres much you can do...either you do the play regardless of what your parents say, or you dont.

Always follow your dreams, you'll come to a certain age when you know whats best for you.
other than trying to make up your own "show" at home and presenting it to them, i dont know what to tell you. perhaps you will not get to follow your dream as a child, but if that is what you really want to do, practice your craft and maybe when you go to college, you will get the opportunity .... child actors rarely make a go of acting in adulthood because they are "typecast" as children and rarely seen as truely good actors. maybe this will work to your benefit. keep studyng your craft and practice regulary, hold your dream close for now and when you are 18, you can follow your dream. dont let anyone destroy your dreams if you really believe in them ..good luck!
First you don't say how old you are, have you given your parents a reason not to trust you, if so, try to change that, you might have to wait till you are older if your father is so against it. but do your very best to show that you can be trusted, and who knows people have been known to change their mind
I would ask your parents to go with you to some community acting lessons.

If you try and involve them (even give them the control to pick out the lessons and attend) they are more inclined to get behind you.

Also, doing some research on types of acting ie: plays, movies, etc. and sitting down with your parents to involve them in your passion will also show them that you are committed to learning the art of acting, not just jumping in feet first without any knowledge of the industry.

You could also try to research some of your favorite plays and educate your parents about the actors, their backgrounds, how they got started, etc.

On the trust issue, are there concrete reasons that your parents have for not trusting you? If not, sit down with your parents and ask them how you can earn their trust. What are some trustworthy activities/chores for you to take on around the house?

Building the trust may begin to build the gap for your parents to give you some freedom in making choices for yourself, such as acting.

Bruce Lee Movie - horse whip and clay pots?

I'm looking for the title of a martial arts movie. It stars someone that, as a child, I thought was Bruce Lee, but it may be one of the "pretenders to the throne" after he died. I saw it on television, Saturday morning "Kung Fu Theater." Here is what I remember:

He ran a martial arts school.

He got beat up.

He trained hard (can you say montage?), by kicking clay pots filled with water.

He fought bad guy after bad guy, and even fought a guy who was on a horse, who weilded a whip. This scene, I think, was shot on a green-grass field with trees planted in rows.

The end bad guy had a white uniform with a wide red belt.

Our hero, of course, was the victor.

I know this could describe multiple movies, and I saw it so long ago (likely 1982 or thereabouts). Any help is appreciated.

Bruce Lee Movie - horse whip and clay pots?paramount theater

It's not a Bruce Lee movie. But it might be Prodigal Son with Biao Yuen.

Bruce Lee Movie - horse whip and clay pots?theatre opera theater

Sounds like all of the kung fu movies, Sorry
Sounds Like .

Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story

Star Eric lee / Not Family
Hmmm... sounds a little like "Way of the Dragon", but I can't really remember the horse thing. Chuck Norris was the big baddie in the end, wearing all white, but I think he might've had a black belt - not a red one.

Basic plot, he visits relatives in Italy where they run a restaurant. The restaurant is harrassed by some sort of gangsters who want to buy the property. Regular story - Bruce doesn't want to fight but gets backed into a corner and has to fight the fighter-for-hire Chuck Norris. Cool movie just to watch Bruce Lee and Norris square off at the end.

On the other hand, if it's one of the Bruce Lee wannabes, I'd have no idea. There's far too many of them.
Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story

is a movie that may help

available to rent or purchase

via this site

(download to PC)


. %26lt;%26lt;%26lt; hope you find the answers here...(just wait alittle longer for it to load)

I write poetry and short stories,I have recently had a poem published by The International Library o

check it out

........ ............ Movies.....................................

This is the nicest theater that I have ever been to. The seats recline and the place is always clean. The prices are really high. That's the only thing I would change. It's a very nice place though. This is where we always go to get our horror fix. They always have the latest horror movies on.;_ylt...

To the imbeciles who report me on a daily basis in a futile attempt to censor me, I have another ID waiting as soon as you have this one deleted. I am American, something you can never be. Therefore, I have freedom of speech. Report that.

STARS AND STRIPES FOREVER, If you don't like that, you have no business being here in this country!

I write poetry and short stories,I have recently had a poem published by The International Library of Poetry.?opera ticket

you go!


I write poetry and short stories,I have recently had a poem published by The International Library of Poetry.?pacific theater opera theater

Yeah for you! I'm an American too, but to me freedom of speech means a lot more than what you can or can't post on yahoo.
Blah blah blah. . . Yada yada yada. . .

When will you get as bored with doing this as we are seeing it????
A true American!

Nor you insult my race by the color of my skin.

I have wise words to you which will frighten,

Though the people of this land have not forgotten,

The flag of this nation will always brighten.
Poser Alert
Sorry ! What was the question again?
honestly, get over it all ready!
HEY......IMPOSTER i see you are Level ZERO!!!!! I think that aptly discribes YOU....a ZERO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shut up and go back to my space, silly girl or what ever you are!
Not the real princess ,why don't you people stop.

How can I act with out moving to LA, more detailed question fromt he other one?

Ok, i can act really well. I live like south of st.louis, about 30-40 minutes away. Its my dream, even if i am not famous, or even if I dont get paid, i am still willing to do it! There really isnt any theaters or classed I can take. What should i do, like call a director or someone give me a star's phone #!

How can I act with out moving to LA, more detailed question fromt he other one?home theater system

With no offense meant, and respecting your quote, "I can act really well" I have to wonder of your experience, your resume/credentials? In the context of your Q you also mention "classes" and theaters. Would that mean you have no education in the craft???

St. Louis may not be the HUB of the theaterical Universe, but I happen to know they have fantastic theaters there, and a Great Opera company, as well as drama education available.

I suggest you think of the fact that there are dozens of viable theatrical communities and situations throughout the USA,,,and the World,,,IE: Chicago, Seattle, New York City, Miami, etc. etc. etc... Where many films are shot, and Hundreds of theaters and schools exist.

Steven Wolf

How can I act with out moving to LA, more detailed question fromt he other one?the grand theater opera theater

Even though everyone's always saying that theater is dying, there's theater everywhere in this country--at the regional, non-professional, and community levels.

It's true that if there isn't any theater where you are then you'll have to go to where there is some (or stay where you are and start it up yourself, which is also an option--especially since one-person shows are very hot right now), which won't be very far.
Call a director or a star? Are you out of your mind? Do you really think they would take a call from a struggling actor nobody has ever heard of? Listen to the other people who answered you. Take classes and audition for local theater. There are LOTS of good local theater groups in St Louis, and good training as well. Pretending that there isn't is just an excuse.
I will answer this question the same way over and over. Education. Education is the silver bullet. Get your self training, education, classes and do as much stuff as possible. I know peopl who do one local show and want to be an actor as a job. That is fine, but they have to be willing to pay the price. Living with six other people, no food, taking bus to places because you can't afford a car. Long days, 20 hours many times. It is a hard career choice. But if you really want it, it is time to get training and education. Pick up a book. Dramatist Source Guide, (from the library if you want) and you will find at least a dozen theatres in your area.



Trying to find the history of WWII medals and attached devices.?

I am trying to find sites on the web that describe each medal, what it was issued for and what the attached devices, such as the bronze stars, bronze arrow head and so forth, mean. Is there an order that they should be worn in? My primary focus is on the European theater of operations and specifically the 101st Airborne from Normandy on.

Trying to find the history of WWII medals and attached devices.?violin

This site has medals (you can drill down for their history) and also will list them by correct order.

Trying to find the history of WWII medals and attached devices.?chinese theater opera theater

i think the purple heart is only if you got wounded
The US Army's site,, may be of some help.

Men can you handle an intelligent woman?

My wife is one of the smartest ladies I know. She is also my best friend. I love having ethical, political, and intellectual conversations with her. We just finished watching Bleak House on Masterpiece theater. After is was over we had about a 45 min discussion on the story line the characters etc. I love that she and I can do that. I would go crazy if I could not have those discussions with someone.

My brother on the other hand likes women who are not too bright and super thin and very pretty. (BTW my wife is also a hottie!) But when we try and talk to her about stuff we get into she is clueless. I love my brother but he could not handle an intelligent and strong woman. How many of you men out there like strong intelligent motivated women?


Men can you handle an intelligent woman?sunshine

It takes a strong man to be with a woman with an IQ

Men can you handle an intelligent woman?star theater opera theater

I have broken up with very nice girls because they were not even stupid, just uninterested in learning. I think reading books is a key barometer of intelligence - don't trust anyone who doesn't read for pleasure!
I don't mind intelligent women. However, not those that think you are not smart and do not deserve to be respected. It is very difficult to talk to these people who talk back on you with some "intelligent" answers which do not help you. I have some former schoolmates who talk you down with anything you suggested. I really felt belittled.
I like how my GF can have intellectual conversations sometimes. I can't handle a dumb GF.
Man everyone is different on this, a weak man will want a weak women because a male is usually dominating in the relationship. If she is smarter than him then she will own the relationship over him instead of him telling her everything. I think its a power thing. I would actually prefer someone smart so they can be on my level with intelligent topics not just what they saw on mtv or how much gossip they can conjure
I am a female with a masters degree in architecture. I married a contractor. He was never intimidated by me.
de gustibus non disputandem est...something for everybody. Got no prob with intelligent women, or dumb women, long as it doesnt involve rations of **** every day.
does it matter if she is intelligent or not???

I thought it's to do with if you two get on and if you love her or not???

your bros gf maybe clueless when you talk to her about the stuff YOU wanted to talk about...

but i bet you if she talks about which lipstick/eye show is the best and why or how much calories in your food you'd be as clueless and gob smacked too...

Just because she doesn't fit into you conversation doesn't mean she's not intelligent.

besides "I love my brother but he could not handle an intelligent and strong woman"

That's quite shallow to say...
I feel that it is a major part of a relationship when you can have intelligent conversations about what each are in to. I, too, am a strong woman and I am also the type of woman who knows quirky things that most don't know. Your brother is lame and very immature and also he has some narcissistic characteristics. He wants them dumb so that he feels superior and dominate in the relationship. I have a question-does he go through these girls quickly? I bet he does bc he gets bored with the stupidity. It is women like that that makes us intelligent, educated, beautiful women look bad. She has big **** too right? Its crazy!!! And so very 50's.....

Help-need 2 examples of assonance?

need two examples in this song:

Country roads, old theater marquee signs

Parkin鈥?lots, billboards flyin鈥?by

Spanish moss, little hick town squares

Wild roses on a river bank

Girl, it鈥檚 almost like you鈥檙e there


Every mile a memory

Every song another scene

From some old movie goin鈥?back in time to you and me

Every day a page turned down

Every night a lonesome sound

Like a freight train rollin鈥?through my dreams

Every mile a memory

Red sundown, out across the western sky

Takes me back, to the fire in your eyes

Texas stars, in a purple night

Not seein鈥?鈥榚m with you, baby

Oh, they never do look right, no

(Repeat Chorus)

Funny how no matter where I run

鈥楻ound every bend I only see

Just how far I haven鈥檛 come

(Repeat Chorus)

Every mile a memory

Every mile a memory

Help-need 2 examples of assonance?musicals

assonance...opposite of dissonance...

soooo , words ain't helpin' since both these terms refer to the melody or music proper.

check your terms.

sing loud !

With Hollywood becoming environmentally-friendly....?

Will this lead to the end of big-budget, blockbuster movies and the end of action movies. Will they be replaced by smaller, more family-friendly films that don't require a huge amount of money and resources to produce?

By GARY GENTILE, AP Business Writer

LOS ANGELES - From "green carpets" at awards shows to organic fruit

served to actors on sets, Hollywood is going all out to promote itself

as being environmentally hip.

But is it all just show?

No amount of public service announcements or celebrities driving

hybrid cars can mask the fact that movie and TV production is a gritty

industrial operation, consuming enormous amounts of power to feed

bright lights, run sophisticated cameras, and feed a cast of


Studios' back lots host cavernous soundstages that must be air-

conditioned to counter the heat produced by decades-old lighting

technology. Huge manufacturing facilities consume wood, steel, paint

and plastic to build sets that are often torn down and tossed out

after filming ends.

The energy guzzling continues on the exhibition side, too, with

multiplexes drawing millions of kilowatts to power old-school popcorn

makers and clunky film projectors that cash-strapped theater owners

are reluctant to replace.

A two-year study released last year by the University of California at

Los Angeles concluded that special effects explosions, idling vehicles

and diesel generators make the entertainment industry a major Southern

California polluter, second only to the oil industry.

Still, financial and public pressures have resulted in many studios

expanding their environmental efforts, doing everything from using a

biodiesel fuel mixture to run the generators on the set of the Fox

show "24" to converting Warner Bros.' enormous set-building facility

to solar energy.

"Public consciousness on this issue has changed dramatically," said

Kyle Tanger, a principal at Clear Carbon Consulting. "The talent

themselves are requesting it from some of the studios. And a lot of

these things make economic sense."

Economic benefit can come to studios directly, by switching to more

efficient lighting or cooling systems or driving hybrid cars on

location, which can save gas. Other projects, such as installing solar

power, can take decades to pay off.

But there are other benefits that are harder to quantify. Besides the

public relations angle, many performers and other employees want to

work with eco-friendly companies, so it also helps in recruiting and

retaining employees, Tanger said.

Form and function merged at this year's Primetime Emmy Awards show.

To symbolize its commitment to energy conservation, Fox had wanted to

replace the traditional red carpet with a green one.

The tradition-bound Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, which

gives the awards, politely said "no."

But the carpet that ended up cushioning the heels of such stars as

Sally Field and America Ferrera was made from recycled plastic bottles

and later cut into pieces and donated to several local schools.

"No doubt some efforts have been window dressing. But I actually think

Hollywood is doing far more than people are giving it credit for,"

said Terry Tamminen, who served as an adviser to Gov. Arnold

Schwarzenegger before starting his own environmental consulting


One convenient yet controversial method is the purchase of carbon

credits by studios and producers to offset the greenhouse gases from

their production activity. The credits attempt to counter such

pollution by investing in environmentally friendly projects such as

planting trees or funding wind power.

Studios and a growing number of other industries calculate their

emissions, then write a check to one of several brokers who funnel the

money to projects around the world. The goal is to become carbon

neutral by funding activities that reduce an equal amount of


The 2004 Fox film "The Day After Tomorrow" and last year's Al Gore

documentary "An Inconvenient Truth" offset all or some of their

pollution. This year's "Evan Almighty," from Universal, donated money

to the Conservation Fund to plant 2,000 trees, enough to "zero out"

the greenhouse gases produced.

But the practice has come under fire by some who say it is an easy way

to avoid the hard work of directly reducing pollution. Others question

whether carbon credit payments are actually going to projects that

make that much of a difference.

"If you're going to drive around in a big ol' Hummer and then buy

carbon offsets to mitigate that, that's like getting drunk on the

weekends and throwing some money through the window of an AA meeting

and thinking you're doing something," said Ed Begley Jr., who was a

poster child for energy conservation long before Al Gore made it


The Federal Trade Commission, meanwhile, has begun examining claims

made by the nascent multimillion-dollar carbon credit industry.

Warner Bros., which bought carbon credits for the 2005 film "Syriana,"

has also become more aggressive at reducing emissions during all

phases of production.

In addition to solar-powered set-building, the studio is recycling

sets, using recycled plastic lumber in the construction of some

buildings, and printing double-sided scripts where feasible.

Pieces built for the 2001 film "Ocean's 11" now sit in the Santa

Monica offices of the National Resources Defense Council. Sets from

this year's sequel "Ocean's 13" were donated to decorate the halls of

local community colleges.

"You have to start by measuring your own footprint, then reducing it,

whether through using alternative fuels, reducing electrical loads or

combining trips," said Shelley Billick, vice president of

environmental initiatives at Warner Bros. Entertainment. "It's too

easy to write a check, pay thousands of dollars and say, 'I'm climate


Last year, Fox parent News Corp. set a goal of being carbon neutral by


To further that goal, Fox Broadcasting chose its popular "24" series

as a case study and to serve as a model for other television


Diesel generators that power the show's lighting were switched to a

mixture that uses 5 percent biodiesel fuel. That percentage will be

increased in coming years. The show also has secured energy from solar

and wind generation from a local utility for its soundstages.

But News Corp. has a more ambitious goal than simply reducing its own

carbon emissions.

"We knew from the beginning that if our goal is to make as many carbon

reductions in the world as possible, probably the best way we can do

that is through our audiences," said Rachel Webber, director of energy

initiatives for News Corp.

The company concluded that worldwide, it produced the equivalent of

641,150 tons of carbon dioxide. But a rough estimate revealed that the

people who read its newspapers, watch its TV shows and browse its Web

sites use about 7 billion tons.

"That's the greatest potential to reduce carbon, but we have to get

our own house in order first," Webber said.

To reach the wider audience, Webber and a climate expert from Harvard

University met with show writers and executive producers earlier this

year to brainstorm on ways to integrate environmental messages into

show plots.

But Webber said Fox is not forcing "tacked on" messages into its

shows, but rather offering resources should writers choose to address

the issue.

"We can't use this in a way that doesn't fit into the show," Webber

said. "It can't be Jack Bauer driving in a car he otherwise wouldn't

drive in."

Ultimately, any steps Hollywood takes, big or small, to reduce

emissions are positive, Begley said. "There are different shades of


With Hollywood becoming environmentally-friendly....?performing arts show

Hollywood phonies are only doing it for publicity like throwing a concert causing more pollution and damage to the environment and to global warming with the people at the concert there was litter, energy for the lighting amps booths etc, energy for the TVs to watch it, gas to drive there car emissions, etc.

With Hollywood becoming environmentally-friendly....?opera cd opera theater

Too much to read, lost intrest.

Wii MySims help?

I just got on four stars. Their is a hairdresser and she needs a salon chair. I already did the one with the gold but WHERE DO I GET THE KISSING FISH at?

And, There is this guy that owns a theater and he needs some chess pieces. I alreayd have a bunch of the other things he needs but WHERE DO I GET THE CHESS PIECES? Thanks!

Wii MySims help?ballet theater

There is a second fishing area in the desert, just north of where you find the gold, in this area as well as kissing fish which are quite common, you can also get tiny shark and fish bone essences.

For Trevor's (theater owner) essences you need to go to the forest the pawn essences are found by going to the island in the fishing area and the knight essences can be found if you cross the log to the north of the fishing area and go slightly north east use the blow torch on the gate and they are at the top of this new path

Does anyone know where I can get info on the film "The Legend of Simon Conjurer"?

Any information besides that it was released in theaters in 2006 and who it was starring. I already know that information.

Does anyone know where I can get info on the film "The Legend of Simon Conjurer"?concert tickets

Supposedly it opened in New York in June, 2006 with a premier and a Q%26amp;A with Jon Voight @ Village East Theatre

181 2nd Ave. 212-529-6893. Maybe you can call them and get more info. I think it's an independent film that got such a poor response for being daft and convoluted that it never got distribution. The directer is listed simply as "Q Mark" on everything that mentions the film. Must be bad if the director remains anonymous!


Here's a brief "making of" video about Simon Conjurer which says that Stuart Paul is the writer/director and Steven Paul is the producer.

Does anyone know where I can get info on the film "The Legend of Simon Conjurer"?theater seating opera theater

You could try going to

Guyfriend prob...?

See, I LOVE my guyfriends (As friends though. I have a boyfriend). We are all super close, like "brothers and sisters". I am starring in the this film that may show in theaters and when I told them this, they were all static to see it. The problem is, that it's not I don't want them to see it, it's just that I am going to be changing into a different shirt and I am not exactly comfortable with that. What should I do?

Guyfriend prob...?performing art center

If you want strangers to see it, your friends should be able to see it too. it will make things wierd but I guarantee they have looked at you in that way before anyways.

Movie Help????

Does anyone know when the movie Juno, starring Ellen Page and Michael Cera, actually come out in theaters everywhere??? Right now it is only out in theaters that are very far from my house.

Movie Help????oper


Movie Help????hollywood theater opera theater

you can call your local theater and ask
limited release in new york dec7th. some specialty house have it now available in Phx. area now at Harkins Camelview!...
1 week friday.

Where is your house?
I think you will need to wait for the DVD release, is limited and is not gonna be shown everywhere!!!
sry. i don't think it's a movie to be released in every theatre.
sorry don't know.
no idea
I wish I knew! I love Ellen and Michael, I bet it's a great movie. It's unfair how it's only out in the LA and NYC area, but just like Little Miss Sunshine... it should be comming out in all theatres sometime soon, and if it doesn't.. I guess we'd just have to rent it or buy it when it comes out on DVD.

In the movie Fred Clause, Vince Vaughn gets down to a song with all the elves, what is the song? Ple

The movie just came out in theaters, Fred Clause, Paul Giamatti and Vince Vaughn are starring. Please help, he dances with all the elves.

In the movie Fred Clause, Vince Vaughn gets down to a song with all the elves, what is the song? Please help?theater

The song is called Rubberneckin' by Elvis Presley

In the movie Fred Clause, Vince Vaughn gets down to a song with all the elves, what is the song? Please help?london theatre opera theater

ab22 is right, this same song is also used as the opening song in Dwayne Rock Johnson's - The Game Plan.
I know part of the lyrics are" stop look and listen Baby"

Hope that helps a little
It's called Rubbernecking by Elvis
Elvis Presley did that song
Actually for the movie it's "Rubberneckin' by Countdown Singers".

How many know the truth about the new kids' movie- 'The Golden Compass'?

Origins: The Golden Compass, a fantasy film starring Nicole Kidman that

is scheduled to be released into theaters on 7 December 2007, has been

drawing fire from concerned Christians. The film is based on Northern

Lights (released in the U.S. as The Golden Compass), the first offering in

Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials trilogy of children's books, a series

that follows the adventures of a streetwise girl who travels

through multiple worlds populated by witches, armor-plated bears, and

sinister ecclesiastical assassins to defeat the oppressive forces of a

senile God.

Books of the trilogy have sold more than 15 million copies around the

world, with Northern Lights winning the Carnegie Medal for Children's

Literature in 1995 and in 2007 being awarded the 'Carnegie of Carnegies'

for the best children's book of the past 70 years. The Amber Spyglass, the

final book of the series, won The Whitbread Prize in 2001, making it the

first children's book to do so. The series' author, Philip Pullman, is an avowed atheist who has averred

that "I don't profess any religion; I don't think it's possible that there

is a God; I have the greatest difficulty in understanding what is meant by

the words 'spiritual' or 'spirituality.'" Critics of Pullman's books point

to the strong anti-religion and anti-God themes they incorporate, and

although literary works are subject to a variety of interpretations,

Pullman left little doubt about his intentions when he said in a 2003

interview with The Sydney Morning Herald that "My books are about killing

God." (Conservative British columnist Peter Hitchens labeled Pullman "The

Most Dangerous Author in Britain" and described him as the writer "the

atheists would have been praying for, if atheists prayed.")

Bill Donohue, president of The Catholic League, has condemned The Golden

Compass as a "pernicious" effort to indoctrinate children into

anti-Christian beliefs and has produced a 23-page pamphlet titled The

Golden Compass: Unmasked in which he maintains that Pullman "sells atheism

for kids." Donohoe told interviewer John Gibson on 9 October 2007 why he

believes Christians should stay away from the film:

Look, the movie is based on the least offensive of the three books. And

they have dumbed down the worst elements in the movie because they don't

want to make Christians angry and they want to make money. Our concern is

this, unsuspecting Christian parents may want to take their kid to the

movie, it opens up December 7th and say, this wasn't troubling, then we'll

buy the books. So the movie is the bait for the books which are profoundly

anti-Catholic and at the same time selling atheism.

Other reviewers, however, have described Pullman's works as being more

generally anti-religion rather than specifically anti-Christian or


In "His Dark Materials," Pullman's criticisms of organized religion come

across as anti-authoritarian and anti-ascetic rather than anti-doctrinal.

(Jesus isn't mentioned in any of the books, although Pullman has hinted

that He might figure in a forthcoming sequel, "The Book of Dust.") His

fundamental objection is to ideological tyranny and the rejection of this

world in favor of an idealized afterlife, regardless of creed. As one of

the novel's pagan characters puts it, "Every church is the same: control,

destroy, obliterate every good feeling."

How many know the truth about the new kids' movie- 'The Golden Compass'?theatre

As a writer, I make a distinction between the deity in a fantasy story and the deity in my real life. I know that the author of the "His Dark Materials" series is an atheist who is trying to spread his ideas through his books.

So what? All writers try to spread their ideas through their books, and some writers are atheists.

If the deity and religion in 'The Golden Compass' are evil, then they deserve to be destroyed. You notice that this author has to resort to fantasy to destroy the deity and religion in his novel. That's because real faith cannot be destroyed, and faith does not require religion.

I don't fear anything said in the book, nor will I speak out against it. If we can have 'The Lord of the Rings' (written by a Christian author), then we can have 'The Golden Compass.' There is plenty of room here for philosophical debate.

How many know the truth about the new kids' movie- 'The Golden Compass'?opera music opera theater

Wow. That was really long.
your question is proof of the statement:

the truth is somewhere in the middle
Sounds great!
I'm looking forward to seeing it - I like Nicole in anything.

I must admit I do like the fact the xians are scared of it ... even though it's not released yet.

It doesn't take much to scare a xian - I'm sure it's their vivid imagination and the fact they're easily lead that has the parasitic preachers running interference.

The trailers look great!

I hope to see it before Xmas.

Thanks! I`ll promote the Movie now that I know people like you are against it.

The role of the Church should be to serve, not control.

Avoid it like the plague...or Harry Potter. Real simple. Boycott. Love in Christ, ~J~