Do you think that Daniel Radcliffe,Emma Watson and Rupert Grint ansd others besides them will be typecast after the last "harry potter" is released in movie theaters? Or are they already typecast? Will they have a movie career outside of Harry Potter? What will they do to avoid this from happening? Maybe doing other films roles outside of "harry potter" ? is is already too late for them to typecasting with this series?
What everyone's thought on their future outside of "harry potter"?
Are the stars of "Harry Potter" gonna be typecast after it's all over?classical music
Probably. However the younger actors will probably be able to shed the typecast if they spread out their later works.
Are the stars of "Harry Potter" gonna be typecast after it's all over?ms stress opera theater
Radcliffe is already trying to avoid typecasting by being the lead in a very controversial theater play in London. Emma Watson - i believe - is very talented and won't be type-casted as she seems to have many possibilities.
they all started as child actors and now that they are over a certain age and having the fame and success they had through the potter movies is just going to spread open new doors for them. i believe that many have been awaiting the end of the potter movies so as to use them in other parts.
Daniel Radcliffe has a nude scene in the play he's doing right now. Not very Harry Potterish. Parseltongue might come in handy....:)
Steve Urkel will always be Jaleel White
"Ooops Did I do that"
I mean Jaleel White will always be Steve Urkel
Type casting happens and no one can avoid it. When you play a character that well you will always be viewed as that character.
No Idea. Probably not. Theyre fairly good actors, except Rupert.
I realy don't know. They are in the position were they easily could be, as the others have said though they are kids so they probley won't be typecast per say.However they definatly could be in the position of basicly having accomplished the greatest thing they possibly could in their life befor their adults.By that I mean i'ts sorta like working on an iconic movie (like Harry Potter or LoTR)were after words you know that nothing you can ever do after that will have a greater importance then that one movie.But i'm not sure it'll even be a problem for these kids.See I always thought part of their appeal was they were essentaly normal kids who sorta fell into this extrodinary movie, none of them were realy professional actors befor them, and i'm not sure they're going to care to act alot more after the seris is over.I mean Dan's said he's realy more interested in directing and Emma is already planning for collage (despite the fact she's only around 15) so maybe they'll just go back to being semi-normal people, maybe doing some ocassional acting.In fact I sorta hope they do, so it keeps the 'magic' in the movies, though whatever they do i'm sure all the fans will support them.
Well if they don't start branching out they can be pigeon held as the Harry Potter kids. I mean Daniel Radcliff did the extreme by posing nude for that magazine as publicity for his play. I doubt you can think of Harry Potter doing that .
It is doubtful that they will be typecast. It is usually adults who get typecast. Children grow up and some even look quite different as adults. I doubt if there are going to be many Harry Potter type characters they would be able to play in the near future, so I am not worried they won't be able to branch out.
I do not think they will be typecast.
Radcliffe is making progress in that area with his performance in Equus in the London Theatre. He's about as far from Harry Potter in that as he can be.
As for the other kids, they're still young. Maybe there is some typecasting there, but once they're fully adults they'll look different enough that it won't be as big a deal. I think they'll be fine.
Daniel Radcliff has already done other things, and I think they are all young enough to be able to delve into other types of characters if they choose. Although they certainly won't have to with the money they'll make from this franchise.
Are you kidding me? Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliff) has already started branching out and doing things that are very different from the role that made him famous. Did you see the news of his play?? He got great reviews and looks fabulous - not at all like a young Harry Potter. This kid's got potential!
Daniel Radcliffe and Rupert Grint have done other movies and have broken away from their wizarding persona. Emma Watson however hasn't really been able to do anything else and she thinks it's because of Harry Potter movies that's why she wasn't going to sign on to the last two movies. She unfortunetly doesn't have much range as the other two. It's not just because she plays Hermoine its just she's not that great of an actress compared to the other children in the movie. Daniel Radcliffe is in the play in london and is supposed to be doing really well with it. Rupert Grint was in a British movie and was raved about for his acting ability so they can progress outside the Harry Potter world.
I understand that David Radcliff did sign on to finish the rest of the movies, however i have not heard about the rest of the gang, I am assumeing that they were talked to well ahead of the movies about continueinig on, i hope they all do as it will be one of those movies that you don't ordinarily see that does .
i think they all have great futures in their careers .
i think so.
it happens all the time... it's hard to do something different sfter you play the same role through seven movies.
Actors who`ve starred in hit movies may have a hard time copying the success of a favorite character from the hit movie. Daniel, Emma and Rupert will have to work hard to break the stereotyped roles created by the hit Harry Potter movies. Taking roles different from those usually given to them will be a step in the right direction. Good Luck!
They forever be the Harry Potter Kids.
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