Sunday, December 6, 2009

What do you think of the movie, The Debaters starring Denzel Washington.?

My friend came by with a bootleg (sorry Denzel) copy of The Debaters. (By the way it was a clear copy just like it would have been at the theater) I like the movie.

What do you think of the movie, The Debaters starring Denzel Washington.?lyric opera

It was disappointing in that the techniques of debate and argumentation quickly devolved into angry black rhetoric on the verge of ebonics.

There was some unnecessary sex scenes for an academic movie. And the movie tended to glorify the communist infiltration of the working class south and made a hero out of a commie agitator played by Denzel Washington.

The debate at Harvard became a series of speeches and loud angry black social commentary instead of a precise example of the art of argumentation.

In my humble opinion only, THE GREAT DEBATERS is just another academic propaganda movie along the lines of THE HISTORY BOYS or THE DEAD POETS SOCIETY pushing a hidden agenda.

What do you think of the movie, The Debaters starring Denzel Washington.?imax theater opera theater

"I never saw a wild thang that felt sorry for itself" This quote by H.D. Lawrence has been ringing in my ears every since I saw The Great Debaters this past Tuesday. Why? I guess because to me its the underlining theme of the whole movie. Wild equals natural close to God to source to the truth of ourselves as spiritual beings. It is in this state that many of the characters in the movie are coming from. Although they are keenly aware of the obstacles of racism it doesn't deter their spirits from creatively expressing their authentic heartfelt thoughts and feelings. I loved seeing African men and woman portrayed with dignity, complexity and warmth. The story line intrigued me and has compelled me to get off my domesticated self pitying rump and tap into my wild and authentic side like these characters did back in the 1930's. The unknown is my best friend and the known is an illusion of this temporal world of time and space. What can I say this movie inspired me, go see it if you dare!
Boring. I left in the middle and saw No Country for Old Men.
I thought it was real good.
It sounds intriguing. Lucky you. I'll probably rent it. I don't like going to the movies. It's such a rip off and other people don't seem to know how to behave out in public. I'm not spending $7 to see something and not enjoy it because other people around can't shut up.

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