Sunday, December 6, 2009

Which Superman Movie do you prefer?

Ok lets put this in perspective, we all know the story of superman right. Well this isn't about that, this is about comparing movies. I want to compare Superman The Movie which came out in 1978 to Superman Returns which came out this year. Now I know Superman Returns just came out in theaters but maybe a good number of people have seen it by now, myself included. But I was just wondering how many of you prefer over the other.

Now when you make your choice I would like a good reason on why you picked the choice that you did. Personally I liked Superman the Movie that stared Christopher Reeve over Superman Returns that stars Brendon Routh, now I'm not saying Superman Returns is a bad movie far from it I liked it very much.

anyway here are your options

Superman The Movie (1978) vs. Superman Returns (2006)

Which Superman Movie do you prefer?listen to opera

OK, Superman movies will never be known for the quality of the acting. So that basically leaves us with story and effects. The original "Superman" had a better story as it got to set up the whole background. Without the background there wasn't much left of the story. Besides, like you said, we all knew the story already anyway. With that said, the newer version "Superman Returns" is a much better and more exciting movie.

Which Superman Movie do you prefer?concert venue opera theaterthat's not a good thing to say, the first superman movies had very good acting in them. can't say the same for SR though, the FX of him using x ray vision was just not on the ball for me. i like the old way of showing x ray vision. Report It

the new one had green and blue water and sky. what's up with making the water and sky green and blue or at least cyan? Report It

Superman The Movie (1978). No one beats Christopher Reeves as Superman,but I can say this new kid does know how to sound like him in the movie.
I was not there in 1978 , But I have seen the movie on DVD , I have also seen 2006 Movie. In sence of special effects , The 2006 One is hell lot of better. Otherwise The First one is better.
The one where all the actors who take on the role of Superman always meet an untimely end. It's due out in 2010.
Superman 1978

was 3 years old and got hooked eversince

Christopher Reeve was the perfect Superman. Brandon Routh looks the part but he should have given more life to the character of Clark Kent.

Christopher made his Clark Kent so goofy and awkward to the point that no one would notice he is in fact Superman, despite the uncanny vital statistics the two characters shared. Saw Superman Returns last night and there was little difference in the portrayal of Superman and Clark Kent by Brandon. At least, Bryan Singer did a damn good job resurrecting the franchise.
superman 1 and 2 with christopher reeves!
Superman: The Movie (and #2). Christopher Reeve will ALWAYS be Superman!!!
Sure, the comparisons need to be made, but we need to keep in mind that Superman The Movie came out in 1978! At the time, it was one of the most (if not the most) groundbreaking film ever made. The visual effects may seem a bit simplistic today, but at the time - people were wowed back then in a major way! They did what they could with what they had...without CGI.

Superman Returns has a good script, I was actually surprised.

Let's discuss the acting....We won't get into the Marlon Brando thing, 'cause he's sort of in both. Right...anyways...let's move on. Gene Hackman brought a comic element to the role of Lex Luther that Kevin Spacey lacks...don't get me wrong,Spacey is an incredible actor, I just like Gene Hackman's take of the charactor more.

Margo Kidder may be a looney these days, but back in '78, she was da bomb! Which brings us to Brendon Routh vs. Christopher Reeve. I gotta say Routh did a good job, but I think its pretty clear who the REAL Superman is...long live the original. Nonetheless, I am happy to see Superman Returns on the big screen, and it got a much deserved face-lift.
first one.
Superman The Movie (1978) - Christopher Reeve

I was only 5 then
The first 1

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